EUSAAP 2025 Postgraduate Student Registration EUSAAP 2025 Registration Postgraduate Please use this registration form to present a paper at the academic conference. Institution / Organisation(Required) Department City(Required) Country(Required) Title(Required)ProfAssoc ProfAss ProfDrMsMrsMrFirst name(Required) Family name(Required) Email(Required) Additional email Degree currently studying to(Required)PhDMasterBatchelorOtherDietary requirements Paper Title(Required) Abstract (max 300 words)(Required)Presenter Short bio (max 100 words)(Required)Accommodation(Required)I would like to stay at the UM University Hostel at a cost of EUR 110-120 per night. Please add me to the rooming list. I understand that I will be charged by the organisers directly for the booking on confirmation of participation. Yes, add me to the rooming list. No, I will make my own arrangements. Registration Postgraduate(Required) Price: CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.